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Hello World from Mandeville Jamaica

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Saturday, January 17, 2009

New GG for Jamaica a Seventh-day Adventist

In my more focused days when I was an intern pastor with Central Jamaica Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, my senior pastor for a few months was Pastor Patrick Allen.

Well, as of February 26, 2008, he is expected to be the next Governor General of Jamaica.


The position is more ceremonial than anything else but it wields a tremendous moral influence over the nation.

And as the queen's representative, it is the highest office in the land.

Very interesting!

My personal opinion: Patrick Allen possesses the administrative and visionary attributes to serve at the highest levels of church or state. The issue of whether or not he should step down from miinistry to be a gg is a hot potato in the church right now. I dont wish to comment on that. Lets just use the opportunity to witness as minds are now open to the truth, even out of curiosity.

Please pray for Dr. Allen and his family as they embark on this new path.

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