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Sunday, April 8, 2007

Revival At Comfort Hall

Had a blessed two weeks sharing the pulpit of Pastor Rohan Spencer at Comfort Hall with the theme "Lift Jesus Higher".

A young sister by the name of Shanique performed the song 'In the Valley He Restoreth My Soul' at least three times. Very moving.

For the first week we used the Youth Week of Prayer Readings.

During the second week I preached sermons such as 'Where Have All The Fathers Gone' and 'Have You Seen My Jesus'. My wife, Kadie preached on Thursday with a special emphasis on Women. She appealed to the women to turn around Jamaica by taking responsibility.

The brethren of the mostly farming community have been very very kind to my family. We have enough citrus and yams to last us for at least another week.

We wrapped up on Wednesday, April 4 with the message from John 15, The Divine Connection and baptised one precious soul. A second baptism was planned for this weekend.

The meetings generated great interest from members and visitors, and several visitors have expressed interest in literature as well as joining the church.

I have recommended to the brethren the need for a Branch Sabbath School in the Race Course community. I have also pledged $10,000 to an Education Fund for the youth of the Comfort Hall Church.

May the Lord continue to bless the work of the Comfort Hall Seventh-day Adventist Church.

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